Original Copy Centre is committed to minimising the impact of its operations on the environment. We conform to all current environmental legislation and we endeavour to find new ways to reduce our energy usage and waste.

Waste and recycling

  • All our papers are FSC® or PEFC™ certified, which means that they are sourced from sustainable forests, and most have an element of recycled wood or fibre.
  • Any good quality blank paper collected from the end of print runs is cut, recycled in-house, and resold as scrap pads.
  • 90% of our waste is paper and cardboard, and is collected every week for recycling.
  • Other waste such as plastics (various types) and aluminium cans are separated and recycled.
  • Wooden pallets and scrap metal is given free of charge for local recycling
  • Digital proofing is used where possible, to keep the number of printed proofs down to a minimum.


  • We are continuously improving our packaging in order to make it as recyclable as possible. The bags, boxes and envelopes we use are part-recycled and recyclable, and we use recycled and recyclable paper filler where possible. We have also started using paper tape instead of plastic. 
  • All of our machines are digital, and use no water or solvents which may pollute the water supply. Our empty toner bottles are recycled. 
  • We have a programme of replacing older machinery and equipment with modern, environmentally friendly processes where possible, to minimise the impact on the environment.
  • All suppliers we use are required to have excellent ethical and environmental policies. For example, our couriers all have net zero programmes, and some are fully carbon neutral already.  


  • Our energy is constantly monitored through smart apps to reduce usage
  • All our machines have power saving functions enabled to prevent excess energy being used.
  • All non-essential machines are only turned on when needed.
  • We’ve replaced our lighting with low energy LED panels
  • We’ve switched to an air conditioning system to reduce our gas usage

Information Security and Data Protection

Health and Safety, Risk Assessments & COVID-19

  • Original Copy Centre provides a safe environment for our staff and customers, and complies with appropriate accident recording and risk assessment procedures.
  • We carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with our staff
  • We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
  • We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance at the workplace, and put in controls to manage transmission risk.
  • We have perspex screens at the front of our shop
  • A full health, safety and environmental audit is carried out each year.